Email Communications

Email signature standards

The following standards are expected for email signatures of all employees at UNC Charlotte in electronic communications using the University’s Electronic Communication Systems.

For the purpose of these standards, an “email signature” is defined as any block of text that is automatically attached to the end of a message as a means of providing additional information about the sender of the email.

Although these standards apply to all electronic communications using the University’s Electronic Communication Systems, of primary concern is external communications with business partners, vendors, and the community, because the email signature can be a tool to project a positive image and branding message for UNC Charlotte.


Norm Niner | University Mascot
UNC Charlotte | University Communications
9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223 | 704-687-8622 |
UNC Charlotte Gmail image

Norm Niner (he, him, his) | University Mascot
UNC Charlotte | University Communications
9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223 | 704-687-8622 |
Gmail option 2

Norm Niner | University Mascot
UNC Charlotte | University Communications
9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223 | 704-687-8622 |
Pronouns: he, him, his
College-specific Gmail option 3

For unit, college or department logos, contact Ryan Honeyman.

  • Align logo on the left edge. Other University program logos (i.e., ACE, Safe Zone) can be used in place of the University logo, but use only one logo at a time. Logo size for emails should be approximately 150 x 36 px.
  • Here’s how to change your signature in Gmail.

Expected Standards for Email Communications

All electronic communications using the University’s Electronic Communication Systems, including original messages, replies, and forwarded emails, should include an email signature at the end of the sender’s text. Each email signature is expected to conform to the following format and content standards:

  • Horizontal bar at beginning and end of email signature (75 character maximum per line)
  • First and last name, middle initial optional, professional designation optional (ex: Ph.D., MLS, APR)
  • Job title, either the HR title or the “working title”
  • Organization name, UNC Charlotte (plus institute or center name if applicable)
  • College and/or Department if applicable, or office location (optional; can drop to next line if too long)
  • Mailing address for organization: street, city, state, and zip (if off campus, YOUR mailing address)
  • Contact info to include AT LEAST ONE of the following – phone, fax, and/or mobile (can move up email and web address to this line if no fax or mobile is available)
  • Email address (optional, as recipients can hit reply, but sometimes does not appear in forwards)
  • Web address of the University ( or of specific University unit(s) , with a subdomain listed without the “www” in the URL, such as
  • Optional: Preferred pronouns. Pronouns may be listed next to your name or below the web address. See examples below.
  • Consistent font, color, and size for all parts – body, header, and signature
    • Sans Serif font, black or blue color, and 8-12 point size
    • Items separated by “ | “ or a pipe, in bold
  • Standardized legal disclaimer after signature with customized phone number, approved by UNC Charlotte’s Office of Legal Affairs:
    • If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or other use of any of the information in this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by reply email or by telephone at 704-687-XXXX. Thank you.

With the exception of legal disclaimers specifically approved by the University’s Office of Legal Affairs, the email signature described immediately above (including both the top and bottom horizontal bar) is the only block of text that may be automatically attached to the end of a message sent from the University’s Electronic Communication Systems.


Department names that are lengthy and may wrap the text to another line can be dropped down to the third line in the signature and stand alone. Where no fax or mobile/pager number is applicable, the email address and/or website address may be moved up one line, adjacent to the phone number. A shorter email signature may be created and used for replies and forwarded messages as long as it has adequate contact information including your name and either a phone number (full 10-digit number) or email address.


Because the email signature contributes to employees’ professional image, it is the responsibility of the individual employee to create and maintain an email signature that is professionally appropriate. Managers will be responsible for unit or departmental implementation of these standards and any subsequent changes.

Student Adoption and Implementation

UNC Charlotte student employees, leaders, and officers — particularly student leaders/officers in student organizations or those holding on campus employment or federal work study positions — may wish to adopt a standard email signature. A signature similar to the one set forth for faculty and staff may be adapted to meet the needs of the student for professional communications in his or her employee/leader/officer role(s) on campus. The signature is not required of student employees, leaders, or officers, but may be implemented at the discretion of the student, the organization’s faculty advisor, or the employment supervisor.